CAI Annual Conference – Should I Attend?

The CAI Annual Conference is the most significant event for the community association industry, and it’s happening this year in Las Vegas at Caesars Forum. If you’re curious about attending this year’s event, keep reading as we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the event. 

Who should attend?

If you are a community association manager, management company executive, product and service provider for HOAs, condos, co-ops, or a community association board member, this conference is for you! 

Why should I attend?

The CAI Annual Conference is a great way to develop connections, expand your network, and learn about new industry products and services. With over 1,000 people attending this year’s conference, there will be plenty of ways you can network with small groups or large social events. Not to mention some great speakers to help you better manage your community. 

Where is the event held and when?

This year’s conference will be at a brand new Ceasars Forum! This new space has ample room to keep all of the attendees safe and connected to the newly renovated Harrah’s Casino and The Linq Hotel. The conference is from August 18-21.

What vendors will be there?

With over 120 exhibitors attending the event, there will be plenty of new products and services to check out, including us, Smartwebs! We will be at Booth 501 with new product launches, fantastic giveaways, and product demos for you to watch. If you’re curious who will be attending the event, check out the sponsors and exhibitors page on CAI Online. 

What kind of topics will be discussed?

The CAI Annual Conference is an ultimate destination to learn from industry leaders and colleagues. You will be able to listen to keynote speakers, connect with others at networking events, and attend educational sessions to help you manage your communities better. 

Some educational topics being discussed at this year’s conference are:

  • Creating a Drama-Free Community: Tips to Avoid Discrimination, Harassment, and Litigation Risks Prompted by COVID-19
  • When Boards Make Mistakes: How to Minimize the Fallout
  • A Great Place to Work: Attracting and Retaining Talent in a Competitive World
  • Talking About Our Generations: Supporting, Motivating, and Leading Five Generations

To see more of the educational sessions and the full tentative schedule, visit CAI Online! We can’t wait to see you all at this year’s event so if you do attend, make sure to stop by Booth 501.

Interested in learning more about Smartwebs? Schedule a product demo today!

Tips for Choosing The Right Gym Equipment For Your Community

Having a gym in your community is a value add for residents as it will help them stay healthy and not have to pay for expensive gym memberships offsite. Fitness centers are also great for communities that have limited outdoor space. If you’re thinking of adding a gym to your facility or already have one and are looking into new equipment, this blog is for you! How do you choose the right equipment for your community?

Here are some items to think about :


Determining a budget for your gym equipment will help you understand which brands you can and cannot afford. Budgets for gym equipment can range from $10,000 to $50,000, depending on the size of space and equipment you want to purchase. Some budget-friendly brands are Fray Fitness, Fringe Sport, and Cap Barbell. If you’re looking for top-of-the-line gym equipment, then you should look into brands like Precor, Life Fitness, and Cybex

Used vs. New Equipment

Another thing to consider is used vs. new equipment. Purchasing used equipment is always a great way to help you stay on budget but is it worth it? The answer is, it depends! Buying anything used will help with your upfront cost but could cost you more in the long run. Maintenance on used equipment will come quicker than with newer ones, and you will need to replace them sooner as well. You most likely will not have a warranty on a used machine as you do with new ones, but some used machines could still be covered! A good option for used equipment is sites like Fitness Exchange and Global Fitness, as they certify their equipment and come with warranties for parts.


The space of your fitness center will make a huge difference in what equipment you can purchase. If you have a smaller footprint, make sure you know the exact size when you are buying an item. That way, you can check your measurements and see if they will fit in your space. Knowing the size of your area will also help you make decisions on how many treadmills, bikes, or other equipment you want to purchase. Maybe only one bike will fit, or maybe 15 will!

Choose a good equipment mix

Having a good understanding of the different types of workouts your residents will want to do is essential. While some might love strength trainers, others could be more into yoga and pilates. Having the right equipment mix is crucial so that all residents are happy. Again, you’ll need to know your space limits so you can narrow down your equipment list and what you want to supply. 

Here are some good options for your gym equipment mix:

  • Training bench
  • Dumbbell set
  • Stationary bicycle
  • Barbell Set
  • Rowing machine
  • Low-impact treadmills
  • Ellipticals
  • Yoga mats and blocks
  • Resistance bands

Choosing the right gym equipment for your community can take time and a lot of research. Sending out a survey to your community could also help you understand what your residents want to see in the gym the most! SmartCommunicatons is a great way to send out a survey to your residents to gain feedback and ideas for future developments. Don’t have SmartCommunications? Contact us today!

Are your HOA residents happy?

Americans who live in community associations are overwhelmingly pleased with their communities, expressing strong satisfaction with the board members who govern their associations and the community managers who provide professional support. But are your HOA residents happy? 

According to a survey conducted by Zogby International, more than seven in 10 community association residents expressed satisfaction with their community experience. Almost 40 percent of community association residents say they are “very pleased,” with only 10 percent expressing some level of dissatisfaction. Nearly 20 percent represent neither point of view.

An estimated 54 million Americans live in some 274,000 homeowner associations, condominium communities, cooperatives, and other planned developments.

Here’s what community association residents say:

  • 88% percent believe their governing boards strive to serve the best interests of the community.
  • 90% say they are on friendly terms with their association board members, with just 4 percent indicating a negative relationship.
  • 86% say they get along well with their immediate neighbors, with just 5 percent reporting a negative relationship. Of those who reported issues with neighbors, the most common problems were pets, general lifestyle, noise, and parking.
  • 78% believe community association rules “protect and enhance” property values, while only one in 100 say rules harm property values. About 20 percent see no difference.
  • 88% of residents who have interacted with professional community managers say the experience has been positive.

How does your community stack up to these numbers? Sending out surveys is a great way to gain feedback about if your HOA residents are happy, and you can do this by using our SmartCommunications software. Not currently a SmartCommunicatons user? Contact us today to schedule a demo or chat with one of our specialists!

Virtual is Reality – 3 Keys to Successful HOA Management During COVID-19


Social distancing. Masks. Virtual meetings. Handwashing. Lots and lots of handwashing.

2020 brought an onslaught of new terms and new normals around the globe as we all work through this global pandemic together. According to an April 2020 study done by Stanford and MIT, nearly HALF of the US labor force is now working from home. COVID-19 has drastically changed how we work and how we communicate. Office buildings and parking lots alike are left dark and silent as businesses and company structures transition from an office setting to a work-from-home environment. From banks to tech to property management, no industry has been left untouched.

Property management, an industry that historically has relied on an office setting to enter data, send homeowner and board communications, and to manage reporting, was hit hard along with other US industries. But community management faced a unique challenge: with more and more people staying home, there has been an exponential increase in architecture requests, the steady need for inspections, and the new challenges of how to meet and collaborate without meeting in person.

How quickly and effectively homeowner’s association management companies and groups were able to make the transition from an office setting to a work from home environment was dependent, almost solely, on one thing: technology.

Here are 3 things successful HOA Management companies have done to adjust to the coronavirus:



From going home-to-home checking the community, to stuffing and sending envelopes, to in-person board meetings, it’s no secret that HOA management has been wrought with time-consuming in-person tasks.

With the current pandemic recommendations, many of these tasks became more than just a drain on time – they also put your team at high risk. But communities still need to be managed, perhaps more now than ever.

The simplest and fastest way to overcome this monumental hurdle is to go mobile. Cloud-based mobile management like Smartwebs’ SmartViolations helps keep team members safe by ditching the clip board for a smartphone or tablet, and empowering them to use GPS tracking tech to inspect, report, and even send notifications all without having to go into an office. As an added bonus, many management companies have seen up to a 70% increase in productivity1 when switching to a mobile management platform.

Some key things to look for when seeking a mobile management solution are the ability to work and connect outside of the office, effective GPS tracking, the ability to create and send notifications from anywhere, and real-time reporting and updates.

All of these elements make for a safer management process, with the added bonus of saving time as well.



Even with masks and social distancing, more and more businesses are finding that in-person meetings pose too much of a risk for their workers. But that’s not slowing people down from home improvement! Architectural requests increased 42% in Q2 20202 alone, with even bigger increases as the year progresses.

One solution is to hold virtual meetings with your board. While Zoom and GoToMeeting video formats can help, they don’t have the ability to record and track progress with your homeowners, or to make note of any additional questions or required documents for each project.

The best software offers solutions to these problems and more. Key elements to look for are an online collaboration tool, the ability to automate communication (when an item has been voted on, notice of approval or requests for more information), automated reminders for voting deadlines, and the ability for homeowners to upload all necessary documents.

SmartArchitecturals provides these features and more, and works well with sister software designed to simplify every aspect of HOA management. Ideally, you want your software to integrate every element into a larger community management tool, with records for the homeowners and management company in one convenient location that can be accessed from anywhere.



With so much uncertainty, one step you can take to reassure your team and community is simple: stay in contact. But, while the concept of connecting is a simple one, often the mechanics of keeping up with community communication is difficult.

Finding the right tools to allow not only your management team, but homeowners and board members alike, quick and easy access to HOA management resources is key to staying transparent.

So, what are the key elements that help most with communication?

Homeowner access to their profile. When a homeowner is able to see a transaction history, approval status, and community communications in one location, the entire process is simplified. This also reduces the amount of emails and calls from homeowners asking about the status of things.

Fast messaging on multiple platforms. Look for software that allows you to send out consistent messaging across your community, by email, voicemail, and text. SmartCommunications has all of these elements, and has the added ability to filter and tag members in your community for quick reference and contact. Need to send out a community update? Quickly do so with targeted messaging sent with one-click.

Stay in sync. Make sure that your messages, updates, and notes are available on all platforms. Look for a package that offers multiple software solutions for the various aspects of HOA management. The goal is to avoid duplicating work on your end, and to be sure that all communication is recorded and is easily accessible to the team, board, and homeowners.

While adjusting has been hard, there are quite a few small and simple changes we can all make to stay together even when we’re apart. As the world continues to work through COVID-19, keep ahead of the curve with cloud-based tech solutions.

Stay mobile – Stay efficient – Stay in touch.

Stay safe.


1 According to a study done by Smartwebs Inc, 2018.
2 YTD October 2020 increase in architectural requests through SmartArchitecturals

HOA Community Management – Setting Goals for the New Year

As family and friends start to leave, and the holiday decorations start to come down all throughout your managed community, now is a great time to plan for the upcoming year. New Year, New You? We all love the idea, and revamping some key elements on how you manage your HOA properties can make all of the difference in the world for an even more successful 2020. Here are some new year’s goals so your HOA management team can grow in the New Year:


Streamline Your Process

It’s incredible how much time we lose with inefficient processes. For the new year, take some time to audit your procedures both in the office, and around the community, to see if there are any areas that your team is taking more steps than necessary.

For example, how efficient are your practices for inspecting the neighborhood for HOA violations? Manual data entry can be an antiquated and time-consuming process. Most property management teams’ process looks something like this: patrol the neighborhood and take hand-written notes for each violation identified, finish the property tour, return to the office and transcribe notes, create and send out emails, create and send out letters, make notes in the resident’s file, communicate with management team.

This manual process eats up precious time that could be better spent elsewhere. In 2020, look to technology to help save you time, money and stress levels. Consider HOA management software that is cloud-based and offers a full suite of packages that will cover all of your needs. A good HOA Management software can take out many of the repetitive steps in your inspection process, automate your notifications, and consolidate team notes in one location that your entire team (and board, when necessary) can access from anywhere – mobile or office. Some key things to analyze when considering your options:

  • Do they offer a full suite of products to cover your needs? (Violations, Work Orders, Architecture requests, Resident Portals, and accounting options)
  • Does the software integrate with systems you already have in place?
  • Does the software suite offer mobile, office, online and offline options for access?
  • How involved is the company with set up?
  • Do they offer HOA management software for management companies and self-managed communities?

Answering these questions will help you make the right choice when you upgrading your systems with a cloud-based software solution.


Increase Communication

Communication is key for any great management team, and HOA management is no different! Too often teams struggle with clear communication between the board and with residents, and even within the team itself.

First, are you communicating quickly and efficiently? Show your residents and team that their questions, and time are valid and important. Fast, thoughtful communication will go a long way for relationship building both in the property management team, and with residents.

Additionally, be sure to keep residents apprised on HOA on-goings including board meetings with information, and updates to policies or HOA bylaws.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly – make sure that you’re giving your residents and team members straightforward and easily accessible methods for communication. Do your residents and team have a simple way to contact the HOA management team? How easy is it for your team to share notes and information within your current system? There are several online software options to consider that offer fast, easy-to-access ways for residents, board members, and the association team to communicate.

Healthy and frequent communication between the team, board, and residents is vital for success in your community.

With these simple New Year goals for your HOA management team, you’ll see a happier and healthier community, along with a team that’s more efficient and functional.

We can toast to that!