Can you use Quickbooks for HOA Accounting?

HOA Accounting Software vs Quickbooks

As we dive into the world of HOA management, it’s crucial to find efficient ways to streamline financial processes. QuickBooks is a popular accounting software that many HOAs use for its ease of use and comprehensive features. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and shortfalls of using QuickBooks for Homeowners Association accounting.

Can you use Quickbooks for HOA Accounting?

The short answer is yes, QuickBooks can be used for HOA accounting. QuickBooks is a popular accounting software that offers a range of features to streamline financial processes, making it an ideal solution for HOA accounting.

Benefits of using QuickBooks for HOA Accounting

QuickBooks offers a range of features that can benefit HOAs, including:

  1. Financial Management 

    HOAs can use QuickBooks to manage their finances effectively, including invoicing, bill payments, and budgeting. QuickBooks offers a user-friendly interface that allows HOAs to easily record transactions and generate financial reports.

  2. Online payment processing 

    QuickBooks offers online payment processing, which is a convenient way for HOA members to pay their dues. This feature saves time and improves cash flow, making it easier for HOAs to manage their finances.

  3. Customizable Reports  

    In addition, QuickBooks offers customizable reporting options that allow HOAs to generate financial reports tailored to their needs. HOAs can use these reports to track their financial performance, make informed decisions, and comply with reporting requirements.

  4. Multi-User Access 

    QuickBooks offers multi-user access, which allows HOA board members and management to access financial data from anywhere. This feature ensures that everyone has access to the most up-to-date financial information and can collaborate effectively.

Why HOA software is better than Quickbooks

While QuickBooks is a popular choice, there are other HOA-specific accounting software options available that may provide more benefits without the limitations. Some of the key benefits of HOA accounting software are:

  1. HOA-Specific Features

    HOA accounting software is designed specifically for HOAs, providing features that are tailored to their unique needs. These features include online payment processing, delinquency tracking, violation tracking, and budgeting tools, among others. This software can provide a more comprehensive solution for community managers than QuickBooks, which is a general accounting software.

  2. Streamlined Communication

    HOA accounting software offers features that can streamline communication between community managers and HOA board members. These features can include alerts for overdue accounts, online message boards, and automated email notifications. By using this software, community managers can ensure that board members are kept informed about the HOA’s financial status and can collaborate more effectively.

  3. Compliance and Audit Support

    HOA accounting software provides support for compliance and audit requirements. These software solutions can assist community managers in ensuring that they comply with relevant regulations and legal requirements. They also provide built-in audit trails and detailed reporting options that can make audits easier to manage and pass.

  4. Reduced Workload

    HOA accounting software can reduce the workload for community managers. These solutions automate many of the financial processes that community managers handle manually, saving time and improving accuracy. By automating routine tasks like invoicing and payment processing, community managers can focus on higher-level tasks that can improve the community’s financial health.

  5. Increased Efficiency

    HOA accounting software can increase efficiency by providing quick and easy access to financial information. This software can offer real-time reporting, allowing community managers to make informed decisions quickly. Community managers can access HOA accounting software from anywhere, making it easier to manage the finances of multiple communities from a single platform.

Smartwebs vs. Quickbooks

Quickbooks is a one size fits all accounting software designed to work for any individual in any industry. Although QuickBooks is widely used, it has a significant drawback in that it was not created specifically for HOAs. Community association accounting software, on the other hand, incorporates industry specifics that make HOA bookkeeping easier.

Smartwebs HOA accounting software was developed and designed exclusively for community associations, using the most up-to-date cloud technology and security. Powerful workflows, easy automation, and improved reporting will keep your HOA running smoothly.

  1. Customer-based accounting vs unit-based accounting. Customers, individuals, and businesses use Quickbooks to pay for or send invoices for products or services provided by others. HOA accounting software was designed to make community association management simpler. With built-in tags and custom fields, you can segment units and owners. 
  2. QuickBooks fails to realize what makes HOAs unique – units. In QuickBooks, you must create a new customer every time an occupant moves into a unit. Over time, each purchase will generate one new account with the same address, making it difficult to compile documentation by unit, only by the customer.
  3. Community Association Management software helps you organize records. Smartwebs keeps records on both units and individuals, making it easier than ever to establish a documented history of owners, maintenance, architecturals, payment activity, and more at the touch of a button.

Quickbooks vs HOA Accounting Software


HOA accounting software offers several benefits over QuickBooks. HOA accounting software tailors to the unique needs of HOAs, streamlines communication and collaboration, offers compliance and audit support, reduces workload, and increases efficiency.While QuickBooks is a popular choice, it may not provide the same level of features and support that HOA accounting software can offer. By choosing the right HOA accounting software, community managers can streamline financial processes and ensure the financial health of the communities they manage.

Self-Managed HOA Software: Save Time, Money & Gain Control

Managing an HOA property requires a significant financial commitment from the homeowners and can impact the annual budget. Self-managed HOAs, as opposed to Management Companies, save the association money and make for more personal ownership for volunteers on the board, especially those in charge of finances. That is why you need the best HOA Software for Self-Managed Communities. 

Board members can create impressive and creative solutions for their communities, but they need support in areas such as finance and legal processes. One tool that provides this support is HOA self-management software. With the right software, board members can streamline operations and make processes intuitive to create an improved community for all involved. 

40% of HOAs choose self-management

Self-Managed HOA Software

Running an HOA without the assistance of a management company can be daunting. But without self-managed HOA software, it gets even more difficult. Some may find managing their HOA to be as easy as tying their shoes, but others find it to be a never-ending battle. This article will explore how a single solution can help your self-managed HOA thrive. We’ll go over what self-managed HOAs are and the type of services they offer. Lastly, we’ll provide a step-by-step process to help you decide what solution is best for you.

What is a self-managed HOA?

A self-managed association or homeowners association is one that strictly relies on members of the association, the HOA board, to run the community. Self-managed associations save money by not hiring an HOA management company but instead self-managing.

Whether it be large or small communities, self-management is becoming an increasingly popular way to manage your HOA. In fact, 30 – 40% of all HOAs are self-managed. 

To be successful as a self-managed homeowners association, board members must invest lots of their own time and have enough experience in each area they run to be successful. The question at hand is – should your HOA consider turning to self-management?

Challenges of Self-Managed HOAs

Managing a homeowner’s association (HOA) is a complex and often thankless responsibility. While self-managing an HOA can offer cost savings and a sense of community control, it also comes with unique challenges that can impact both the volunteers and the overall efficiency of the association. Here are some common challenges faced by self-managed HOAs:

1. Time Constraints

Running an HOA can be incredibly time-consuming, requiring volunteers to dedicate significant hours to tasks like financial management, record-keeping, communication, maintenance coordination, and enforcement of HOA rules. Balancing these responsibilities with personal and professional lives can be difficult for volunteers, leading to:

  • Burnout and Volunteer Fatigue: The constant workload can lead to volunteers feeling overwhelmed and eventually losing motivation to contribute, making it difficult to find and retain reliable volunteers.
  • Delayed or Inconsistent Execution: Time constraints can lead to delays in addressing issues, responding to resident inquiries, or completing essential tasks, potentially impacting the overall functionality and resident satisfaction.

Lack of Expertise and Resources

 Self-managed HOAs often lack the professional expertise and resources readily available to professionally managed communities. This can lead to:

  • Inefficient Operations: Volunteers may not have the experience or knowledge to optimize processes, leading to inefficiencies in financial management, communication, or maintenance planning.
  • Legal and Compliance Issues: Understanding and adhering to complex legal requirements and HOA governing documents can be challenging for volunteers, potentially leading to legal or compliance issues.

Financial Management Complexities

 Managing an HOA’s finances effectively requires strong accounting skills and a deep understanding of budgeting, financial reporting, and collection procedures. This can be particularly challenging for self-managed communities, leading to:

  • Inaccurate Financial Records: Without proper expertise, bookkeeping and financial record-keeping may become error-prone, making it difficult to track expenses, manage budgets, and make informed financial decisions.
  • Delinquent Payments and Collection Issues: Collecting dues and fees effectively can be time-consuming and require a firm yet respectful approach. Self-managed communities may struggle to manage delinquent payments efficiently, potentially impacting cash flow and hindering the HOA’s ability to fulfill its responsibilities.

These challenges highlight the potential complexities of self-managed HOAs. While self-management can offer certain advantages, it is crucial to be aware of these potential hurdles and implement strategies to mitigate them. HOA software can be a valuable tool in addressing many of these challenges, as discussed in other sections of this blog.

What are the benefits of self-managed HOA software?

Self-managed HOAs face unique challenges, but HOA software can be a powerful tool to help overcome them and streamline your operations. Here are some specific examples of how software can address the challenges mentioned previously:

Saves Time and Reduces Volunteer Burden

  • Automated Tasks: Software can automate repetitive tasks like sending invoices, collecting dues, tracking maintenance requests, and generating reports, freeing up volunteers’ time for more strategic matters.
  • Streamlined Communication: Built-in communication tools allow for efficient communication with residents through email, text messages, or online portals, reducing the need for time-consuming individual contact.
  • Resident Self-Service: Online portals empower residents to manage their accounts, submit maintenance requests, or view important documents, reducing the burden on volunteers to handle these tasks individually.

Improves Efficiency and Mitigates Risk

  • Financial Management Tools: Software can provide features like online payments, automated budgeting tools, and financial reporting, ensuring accurate record-keeping and informed financial decision-making.
  • Compliance Assistance: Some software offerings may include resources and guidance on relevant regulations and HOA governing documents, helping volunteers stay compliant and avoid potential legal issues.

Enhances Resident Satisfaction

  • Improved Communication: Timely and transparent communication with residents fosters a sense of community and builds trust. Software facilitates easy communication updates and information sharing.
  • Efficient Issue Resolution: Online portals and automated workflows enable residents to easily submit and track maintenance requests, leading to faster resolution times and improved satisfaction.
  • Increased Transparency: Online access to documents, financial reports, and meeting minutes allows residents to stay informed and involved in the HOA’s activities.

How to use self-managed HOA software:

Many small and medium-sized associations successfully self-manage. The Community Associations Institute estimates that 40% of HOAs choose self-management. Managed homeowners’ associations can choose to go self-managed, which will have long-term benefits with the potential for cost savings in unit fees and other management costs.

The board of directors may use self managed HOA software in different ways, depending on their position.

Self-Managed HOA President

As President, an individual facilitates communication between board members and the community. The President ensures that every voice is heard as they make decisions that affect the community. They may prepare meeting agendas and ensure meetings remain focused on relevant topics. A President is also responsible for signing contracts and other legal documents for the association, which they may have to co-sign all checks.

Here are some ways that the President can use self managed HOA software to secure and efficiently complete their duties:

  • Share and manage documents, keeping HOA-related business separate from personal or professional documents.
  • Send mass emails, text messages, and automated phone calls directly to residents.
  • Use a shared HOA calendar to manage a busy schedule.


The treasurer is one of the most critical people on the board. The treasurer manages all financial transactions and often collects dues from homeowners. This can take a considerable amount of time if the HOAs collect dues by hand in the form of paper checks. HOA self-management software automates the process for the treasurer, finance officer, and even the homeowners who can now easily pay online. 

The Treasurer must be able to produce financial reports for board meetings, assist with the association’s annual audit, and pay vendors approved by the board.

Poor management of association funds can lead to distrust among board members and even legal action. Most HOAs use accounting software designed for the general market but not for residents’ specific needs. 

An HOA self-management software can offer an HOA several benefits. It allows HOAs to streamline their finances by creating more harmony between the board, property manager, and homeowners.

  • Automate collecting dues, late fees, and other charges
  • Making and sharing real-time accounting reports with ease
  • Building an annual budget and tracking income and expenses with custom charts and reports
  • Creating vendor profiles and paying vendors directly from the software
  • Sending professional invoices with a return envelope and perforated payment slip


The secretary is often responsible for notifying homeowners of meetings and recording the minutes. The secretary manages important documents, such as homeowner information and maintenance history. Homeowners have the right to access these documents on demand according to covenant documents, so the secretary must maintain up-to-date records.

Secretaries can utilize Self Managed HOA Software by:

  • Consolidating and storing essential documents, tracking maintenance history, communications, and payment history
  • People who use the portal can have easy access to documents and account information, anytime, anywhere.
  • Communicating via text, email, phone, or mail


HOA committees offer advice and assistance to board members. These groups come together to take care of relevant issues in the community. Committees are typically small groups of volunteers that serve advisory roles. Still, they can be a small committee with ongoing responsibility or an ad hoc committee that deals with specific projects. Committees empower shareholders and create communities involved in decisions made at meetings.

HOA Self-Managed Software helps Committees by:

  • Send mass emails, SMS, and automatic phone calls, and view engagement communication data
  • Email custom PDFs to homeowners for special events and topics 
  • Send surveys and vote digitally with the option of anonymous voting and capturing results within the software
  • Build a custom website for the community

Features to Look for in HOA Software (Tailored for Self-Managed Communities)

When choosing HOA software for your self-managed community, consider features that address your specific needs and challenges. Here are some valuable features to look for:

Essential Features

  • Resident Self-Service Portal: Allows residents to manage their accounts, submit requests, view documents, and make payments online, reducing the workload on volunteers.
  • Financial Management Tools: Includes features like online payments, automated invoicing and receipts, budgeting tools, and financial reporting for accurate recordkeeping and informed decision-making.
  • Communication Tools: Provides various communication channels like email, text messaging, and online forums for efficient communication with residents.
  • Work Order Management System: Enables residents to submit and track maintenance requests online, allowing for efficient issue resolution and improved communication.

Additional Features

  • Community Calendar and Event Management: Helps manage and promote community events, meetings, and activities.
  • Document Management System: Provides a secure and centralized location to store and share important documents like meeting minutes, policies, and financial statements.
  • Violation Tracking and Enforcement Tools: Assists in tracking and enforcing HOA violations efficiently and fairly.
  • Mobile App Access: Allows residents and volunteers to access the software and manage tasks conveniently on their mobile devices.

How-To: Utilize Features for Improved Efficiency

Streamline communication with residents using the built-in messaging module:

  1. Create different communication groups for residents, board members, or specific committees.
  2. Schedule automated email or text message blasts to announce important updates, meeting reminders, or community events.
  3. Utilize online forums for open discussions and resident feedback.

Reduce volunteer workload with online resident self-service:

  1. Implement an online portal allowing residents to pay dues, submit maintenance requests, and view important documents.
  2. Encourage residents to register and utilize the self-service portal through email campaigns and website announcements.
  3. Offer training sessions or video tutorials to guide residents on using the self-service features effectively.

Improve financial management with automated tools:

  1. Set up online payments for residents to pay dues and fees conveniently.
  2. Utilize automated invoicing and receipt generation to save time and ensure accuracy.
  3. Generate financial reports regularly to track income, expenses, and budget adherence.

By implementing these features and following these “How-To” sections, self-managed communities can leverage HOA software to overcome challenges, improve efficiency, and enhance resident satisfaction.

The Best Self Managed HOA Software 


Best HOA Software for Self-Managed Communities

Smartwebs HOA Software can save Self Managed Communities time and Money. HOA software tailored to Self-Managed community needs takes care of many standard services, as well as gives staff the freedom to focus on other jobs. This leads to less stress and a more complete feeling of satisfaction.

Self-managed systems can help with continuity as well. Intuitive documents and resident information make it easier to prepare for changes, such as board turnover.

Advantages of Smartwebs for Your Self-Managed HOA


Choosing a cloud-based HOA software solution can lead to considerable savings for a variety of reasons. Smartwebs cloud-based software removes the startup costs that an HOA has to pay for purchase and installation. No more installation of several devices, freeing up space on your hard drive and removing the hassle of manual regular system updates. Rather than investing massive amounts of money in hardware and software resources, cloud-based HOA software is easy to use, maintenance-free from a customer end, and allows you to work remotely from any device, anywhere.

Monthly subscription based

Smartwebs notably saves self-managed communities both time and money by offering a monthly subscription software solution. Moreover, our software is priced at a per-door rate, making it an extremely affordable option for self-managed communities. From a full-platform product (highly recommended) to a-la-carte software solutions, Smartwebs allows you to wisely spend your money only on the applications you are utilizing, thereby ensuring that your valuable resources are not wasted on features you don’t need. Consequently, this strategic approach ensures that every dollar spent is an investment towards enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your community management.

Ease of use

Smartwebs is the leading HOA software solution for ease of use and scalability. Just ask our customers! You don’t have to be a computer scientist to start implementing our software for your communities. Designed with the average user in mind, Smartwebs was made for HOAs, it’s in our DNA. Smartwebs can quickly adapt to your usage plan. As your community grows, so do your software needs. With our cloud-based software, you can easily scale your solution usage with little to no downtime. Moreover, you can access our solution anywhere on the planet where you have internet access.

Increased Security

In many circumstances, a cloud-based solution can not only keep your HOA’s information more secure but also often make it more readily available than traditional software programs can. This innovative approach enhances both security and accessibility, ensuring that your community’s data is both safe and easily accessible whenever needed. For instance, at Smartwebs, we perform regular and automated scans of our network to identify weaknesses and bolster security. We take your data seriously. This also significantly decreases the risk of downtime with our product offerings. 

Ready to see the Smartwebs Difference?

Running a self-managed HOA can indeed be very difficult. Moreover, it becomes even more daunting when you lack the right software to streamline the process. Get started with Smartwebs today to reduce your workload. Book a demo.

Guide for better HOA Management & Growth

Set the stage for success and streamline your HOA Growth and Management.

This guide helps You STOP Juggling HOA Accounting, Work-Orders, and everything else your community associations manage.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Top Violations for Communities and How to Minimize Them
  • How to Welcome New Residents
  • How to Become A Top HOA Community in Your City
  • How to Streamline HOA Growth and Management.
  • The Importance of HOA Management Software in Your Community
  • How to Choose the Right Community Association Management Software

Top Violations for Communities and How to Minimize Them

Garbage Cans 

Residents leaving their garbage cans out for too long after trash day is a common violation in HOA communities. Most property managers probably know this violation all too well and have written up several violation letters because of it. Remembering to bring in those cans can be hard, especially when working from home!

How to Help Minimize This Violation

Reminding your homeowners that trash day is over and they can put away their cans is a great
way to minimize this violation. If you have a system like Smartwebs Communications, you can send out a weekly reoccurring text or email reminding residents to remove their trash bins from the road.


We all know it can be challenging to find the time to mow your lawn, but alas, it has to be done! This is a common violation HOA managers face and are crucial to making your community look its best. As the property manager, you want to maintain the beauty of your HOA association and make sure everyone in the community is proud of their neighborhood!

How to Help Minimize This Violation

Making sure your HOA rules are clear and easy to understand can help your residents know precisely what is and isn’t a violation. Once a quarter, you should send out communication that lists the common landscaping issues your community sees and the landscaping rules. This way, everyone is informed and can help fix problems before they even start!


We love our pets like family because they are! But residents not picking up after their furry friends is something that HOAs face all the time. This can be a problem that you hear a lot from other residents, and they might ask the property manager to help minimize this violation.

How to Help Minimize This Violation

This can be a tough violation because it’s hard to catch residents in the act of not picking up after their pets, so you need to be proactive about a solution. Making sure you have enough waste stations around the neighborhood is key to helping eliminate this problem. Sometimes residents forget to bring bags with them, so providing plenty of spots where they can grab a bag and remove the waste is crucial for your community!

How to Welcome New Residents to your HOA

Are new residents moving into the neighborhood? That’s great! New homeowners moving into the community provides an opportunity for you to welcome them to the area, make sure they are set up for success and deliver essential documents they need to enjoy their new home.

Send a Welcome Packet

Welcome packets are a great way to help new residents feel excited about where they are
moving to. So what should be in a welcome packet?

Governing Documents

One of the most important items to include in your governing documents, as this is what they will need to make sure they have a positive experience in the community. Many rules are violated not out of intent but because they are unaware, so having a well-written document outlining the rules and regulations of your community is crucial!

Welcome Letter

In your packet, include a welcome letter. Let them know you’re glad they are here and make them feel special! Noting who the board members are and their roles in the community are excellent information for any newbie. Also, if your community has a Facebook group or Nextdoor neighborhood, they could join. This is a great addition!

Community Map and Info

Your community probably has fantastic amenities and can be the main reason why residents
chose your neighborhood, so point them out. Providing a neighborhood map pointing out where the pool, fitness center, playground, and any/all amenities are will help your newcomers navigate the community. You should also include access information like your pool code or how to get a key card to use the amenities to their fullest.

Resident Portal Information

Do you have HOA software? We hope so! If you do, make sure your new residents know how to access it, their login info, and what information they can find. Suppose you have a resident portal like the one at Smartwebs. In that case, residents can submit architectural requests, communicate with the property manager directly, and find governing documents with a couple of clicks. This will be key for your residents to make sure they are continuously updated with new info and easily communicate with their property manager.

Welcome Committee

Establishing a welcome committee for your neighborhood can help new residents feel at home. By already having a contact in the community to ask questions about things like schools, favorite restaurants, and where to get their hair done. A welcome committee can also put together gift baskets for new homeowners that include your welcome packet, local businesses to check out, and how to meet others in the neighborhood. Greeting newcomers to your community will help set you apart and keep your residents happy for the long term!

How to Become A Top HOA Community in Your City

You want your HOA community to be somewhere people desire to live and are proud to
participate in. So, how do you become a top HOA community? Here are some tips we think can help you do just that!

Community Events

Community events are a great way to get residents involved and meet their neighbors. Throwing cookouts for the fourth of July or having a neighborhood block party every quarter can boost morale and get your community talking about their HOA. Is anyone in the community a part of a band? Ask them to perform at the neighborhood park and invite everyone to come out and enjoy it! Any event you throw can be a great way to get your community together and more involved.


Having great amenities is a huge selling point for any HOA community, so maintaining them is crucial. Is your playground equipment rusting and old? Maybe it’s time to replace it. Getting ahead of requests/complaints about older equipment will make your HOA look proactive and prepared. If your budget allows it, look for more amenities you can add to your community as well. Maybe even small ones like having free fitness in the park days or adding soccer nets to open spaces.

Community Involvement

Getting people involved in their community helps them feel a part of something like they can impact their local neighborhood. Starting Facebook groups or a social committee is a great way to get your neighbors involved. This also helps alleviate your responsibilities and helps others feel important to their community.

How to Streamline HOA Growth and Management.

Growing a property management company is exciting and rewarding, but how do you get more
HOA communities to sign on with you? This can be challenging, but we think you can grow your business with ease with these steps.

Provide Great Service

The most important thing a business can do for itself provides excellent service. While this may be a no-brainer, we think it’s the most important as this is what will set you apart. If your company is known for always treating your clients right, going above and beyond, and getting the job done, you will, in turn, create advocates for your brand, making it easy to refer you.

Create a Referral Program

Referrals are a great way to grow your business as people enjoy talking about things they love.
Once you’ve created a brand worth talking about, make a referral program to incentivize clients to refer others to your business. Offering things like a free month of service or even gift cards are a great way to help gain referral business.

Attend Networking Events

Nothing beats meeting clients in person, so attending local or national networking events can
help your business get in front of key decision-makers. This can also help you build relationships with other vendors and services that could benefit you.

Increase Your Online Visibility

Are you visible to your potential clients on the internet? Make sure you’re updating your website and social channels frequently, as this is how people will find you. Here are some ideas to help increase your visibility:

  • Regularly post on social media – Facebook and LinkedIn are essential channels.
  • Start a blog that is updated consistently with important topics to your industry.
  • Join Facebook and LinkedIn groups related to your industry to connect with others.
  • Start a podcast or YouTube channel answering some of the important topics in your industry.

Partner With Other Vendors

If there are prominent vendors in your area that you can partner with, this could be great exposure. Make sure your core values are aligned before committing. Then you can leverage that other brand to help you grow yours and vice versa!

If you enjoyed this guide to help streamline HOA Growth and Management, check out the tools Smartwebs offers to help streamline and automate that growth.

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Top 5 HOA Management Software For 2024

What is HOA Software?

HOA software refers to a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline the management processes involved in overseeing homeowners’ associations (HOAs). These software solutions are aimed at facilitating efficient management for both self-managed associations and those with designated property managers. 

What features does HOA Management Software Include?


HOA management software includes robust accounting capabilities to efficiently manage financial transactions, budgets, and record keeping. It enables tracking of fees, dues, and other payments, facilitating accurate financial reporting and transparency.

Work Order Management

This software often incorporates a work order management system, allowing residents to submit maintenance requests and enabling property managers or board members to efficiently manage and track maintenance tasks. This feature helps ensure timely resolution of repair and maintenance issues.

Payment Collection 

Homeowner’s association software simplifies the collection of fees, dues, and other payments from residents. It provides online payment processing options, enabling residents to make payments seamlessly while maintaining accurate records of all financial transactions.

Reporting Capabilities 

One of the advantages of using management software is the ability to have all your property’s data in one place. These solutions often have built-in reporting features that allow for generating various reports on payments, events, and other relevant information. Such reports can help property managers make informed decisions and keep organized records.

Communication Channels 

Property management software often includes communication tools that enable managers to interact with community members through various channels. Whether it’s sending announcements, important updates, or facilitating two-way communication, these features centralize communication efforts and make it easier to engage with residents.

Some of these software platforms offer comprehensive property management functionalities, encompassing both HOA and condominium management. However, some software may be more specialized and focus primarily on specific areas such as community management for HOAs. These specialized solutions may omit certain general property management features in exchange for specialized tools and functionalities that cater to HOA administrative tasks.

What goes into identifying the Top HOA Management Software Companies?

Running an HOA is a difficult task. Your hands are constantly full with managing architectural reviews, service requests, enforcing CC&R regulations, scheduling board meetings, taking online payments, making sure that accounts are in order, managing the community website and residents’ databases, communicating with those people, and dozens of other tasks.

HOA management software aims to help board members and property managers work smarter by automating repetitive processes and creating systems that work together. If designed correctly, property management software can help streamline HOA management and can save you loads of time and money.

With a wide range of options available, it’s essential to find the system that is best for you. Some software specializes in accounting, while others have a solution for almost everything.

If your HOA regularly does the following, you may want to look for property management software:

  • Mailing community announcements/updates/notices to homeowners.
  • You create financial records on Excel or a similar program that limits you to the same computer.
  • Work Orders and Architectural requests that take weeks to process.
  • Tracking homeowner violations that you struggle to keep organized and with zero automation. 

Why you need HOA Management Software

Simplified Community Association Accounting  

Whether you have an accounting background or not, online accounting software is a great option. It minimizes human error and makes it possible to manage the finances of multiple properties from one place.

HOA accounting software is a comprehensive suite of tools to help you manage the financial accounting needs of your HOA. It’s important to choose the right software that can handle all of your needs, whether you’re just starting out or are an established HOA with many members. There are several key features and benefits to consider when evaluating HOA accounting software.

Overall Community Management

Your software should make HOA Management smarter, not harder. Why search for multiple solutions that don’t integrate or work seamlessly? Why have multiple tabs opened on your computer if you can do it all on one platform?

Seamless Integrations

Each software can offer different strengths, so it’s important to find the one that is most compatible with your needs and the current programs you love. Most companies provide the option for integration and some have a more diverse array of options. This can help you experience the best from two platforms without switching back and forth between them.

Industry leaders: Top 5 HOA management software Companies 2024

We have looked into many software options, and have identified the Top 5 HOA Management Software Companies. 




Smartwebs All-In-One cloud-based platform + mobile allows you to say goodbye to time-consuming manual work and outdated software, allowing you to make the most of every minute. Rated the Best HOA Management Software for ease of use.

Smartwebs Pricing:

Smartwebs offers an a la carte option for Management, or access to their full, all-in-one platform for HOA Community Association Management plus Accounting. Pricing starts a $0.40 /Per Door for Management and goes up to $0.65 /Per Door for the full platform. Additionally, the software is priced per door and not per user, so you’re not punished for growth.


Smartwebs currently does not offer lifestyle management featuring amenity reservations, events calendars etc. However, they are in the process of implementing this feature and is listed as coming soon!




AppFolio is an easy-to-use solution with a mobile experience. It offers cloud-based software for property managers of HOAs as well as those who have mixed portfolios. It is a multifunctional property management platform that includes a suite of tools that can help managers take care of their building maintenance, track payments, and stay competitive on the price of rent.


Appfolio Pricing for Community Associations is limited to one plan option starting at $0.80/per unit. However, there are a la carte options for other features such as risk mitigation, websites and collections. 


Some users may not like the complexity of the accounting software, but those with some accounting knowledge should be fine using the system. If you’re looking for a system tailored to HOAs, appfolio may be costly compared to others, as it offers a range of tools not necessary for HOAs.  




Buildium provides property managers with efficient software that is easy to use, even for people who aren’t confident with new technology. It focuses on streamlining tasks so that you spend less time on them. Buildium allows you to perform many different property management tasks, like accounting, rental applications, tenant screening, and document storage. 


Buildium is free to try, and while pricing may not be ideal for all communities, it has plenty of options for those of different sizes. There are three pricing tiers; Essential (starting at $55/mo), Growth (starting at $174/mo), and Premium (starting at $375/mo). 


There are small things that could be improved on this software such as accounting functions; however, it is still a good product overall. 

Wild Apricot

Wild Apricot


Wild Apricot is a robust software that offers a wide range of features and is highly user-friendly. Notable features include event management, committee management, various payment process options, and website management.


Wild Apricot Pricing starts at $60 per month for the basic plan, which supports up to 100 contacts, and goes up to $900 per month for the Global plan, which covers up to 50,000 contacts.


There are small things that could be improved on this software such as it does not provide calendar management or work order management.




PayHOA is a popular choice for HOAs and property management companies, known for its responsive customer support. It offers a comprehensive set of features required for effective HOA management. Features include member and property database, committee management, calendar management, work order creation and tracking, and payment processing.


PayHOA Pricing starts at $49 per month for the basic plan, supporting up to 50 contacts, and goes up to $199 per month for the highest tier, which accommodates up to 500 users.


There is a lack of a mobile app functionality and may be missing key management features necessary for successful HOA management. 


Please note that while these are some of the top-rated HOA management tools for 2024, it is always advisable to contact the vendors for demos and more accurate pricing information, as some tools may have additional costs or require custom pricing based on specific needs.

HOA management software is an excellent tool that streamlines the operations of HOAs by providing a way to reach your goals while strengthening communication and organizing tasks. These programs provide different qualities, but they all have the same objective: to help people succeed in managing their properties efficiently. Before purchasing HOA management software, make certain that it offers the features necessary for helping you reach your goals.

These programs may seem overwhelming but most are surprisingly easy to handle. Most people don’t find them too challenging – and there is typically a support team if you do. Your entire community can benefit from great Community Association Management software.

Smartwebs expands its Marketing and Customer Accounts team ahead of continued growth

Smartwebs Press Release

Austin, TX, August 16, 2022/ — Smartwebs, an industry-leading all-in-one software solution company for HOA Community Association management, expands its Marketing and Customer Accounts team.

Shawn Fielding, President and Chief Executive Officer of Smartwebs stated, “As our software offerings continue to grow and expand, one thing remains the same: the mission of Smartwebs is to provide robust, time-saving solutions for the HOA market. With our new team members, Kristen, Shay, Matthew, and Yeriel, we are confident Smartwebs will continue to scale towards our overall goal of Customer satisfaction and success. “

Kristen Andrews Senior Marketing Manager. Smartwebs expands its Marketing and Customer Accounts teamKristen Andrews joins Smartwebs as Senior Marketing Manager, reporting to Robert Holte; Vice President, and is responsible for developing and implementing strategies for both growth and retention. Kristen comes to Smartwebs with a strong background in SaaS demand generation, driving acceleration across an organization’s markets. 

Holte shares, “I am thrilled that Kristen is leading Marketing Operations at Smartwebs. Kristen’s diverse marketing and business-building experience positions her to add tremendous value as Smartwebs’s team continues to grow. Her ability to strategically position Smartwebs and gain Market share is second to none.”


Shay Currie Customer Success Specialist Shay Currie comes to the Smartwebs team as the newest Customer Success Specialist. Shay has over 10 years of experience in customer service and an extensive Customer Success background in the Software industry. 

“What excites me most about joining the Smartwebs team is assisting customers in navigating the software and taking full advantage of our cloud-based solutions. I look forward to building empathy-based relationships with our customers and guiding them through support along their journey with Smartwebs.”

“Shay Currie brings an extensive background of expertise to the Smartwebs team,” said Fielding. “She possesses a strong customer-first mindset and wants to see client success using the Smartwebs solutions.”


Matthew Donaldson Account Success SpecialistMatthew Donaldson joins the Smartwebs team as the newest Account Success Specialist, with over 5 years of experience in Marketing, Account Management, and Sales.

“I am thrilled to be a part of the Smartwebs team. I am looking forward to  assisting in bridging gaps between the accounts team, sales, and marketing to aid in promoting growth and customer experience.” 

Donaldson will spearhead the development of long-term business relationships by serving as an internal advocate and client liaison for Smartwebs. 

“Matthew Donaldson has made an immediate impact on the Accounts team’s processes,” said Fielding. “He possesses a special blend of management and customer-facing experience.”


Yeriel Velazquez Customer Success Specialist Yeriel Velazquez has been hired on as a Customer Success Specialist for Smartwebs. Velazquez comes to Smartwebs with an extensive tech support specialist background. Previously, Yeriel has spent time in technical support and implementation for school districts. 

“I look forward to my role here at Smartwebs and growing with The amazing team. With my background, I am confident in my ability to help our customers understand our full platform of offerings and release updates so they can fully take advantage of what Smartwebs has to offer.”

“Yeriel’s tech support background and experience in customer service and training are of tremendous value to our clients as Smartwebs continues to grow in size and capabilities. His compassion and knowledge are so welcomed by our customers and organization,” shared Fielding.


For more press information:

Kristen Andrews, Senior Marketing Manager

For more information about Smartwebs services: 

Industry survey reveals why boards are unhappy with their Community Management Companies

According to a new survey, the majority of boards are not satisfied with their management companies. The survey, conducted by the Community Association Institute, found that only 30% of respondents reported that they were satisfied with their management company.

The survey asked respondents to rate their management company on a variety of factors, including communication, financial management, and overall performance. On each of these factors, the vast majority of respondents gave their management company a rating of “fair” or “poor.”

Here are a few ways you can impress and keep your board ‘on board.’

Board Members say Community Management technology is a MUST

Today, board members in associations are looking for high-tech services and access from anywhere. In fact, more than half of all respondents said it’s important for their association management company to be technologically advanced and use modern digital tools. Respondents put online portals, email, and online payments as the top three most valuable digital topics.

How do you find the best community management software for your company?

HOA Management Software is made to be easy to understand and visually pleasing. The user experience is important because it will determine how simple it is to use for your team.

Does the community management software have all of the features you need to maximize your productivity? Like, accounting, violations, online portals, work orders, mobile applications, architectural requests, communications, etc.

Best technology for community management



Is your management company meeting board expectations when it comes to accounting?

In the survey conducted, financial management was also rated poorly, with only 16% of respondents giving their management company a positive review.

Your current accounting software may not be up to the task if it wasn’t designed specifically for community management. Monthly financial reports, balance sheets, income, and expense statements, and cash flow statements can quickly become overwhelming.

Out of the respondents polled, most reported that their management company used an outdated method or outdated software for their account management. 

Having the right accounting software means:

  • No more tabbing back and forth
  • Seamless integration
  • Real-time balances and reporting 
  • Online access for management teams and homeowners from anywhere

The majority of HOA boards are not satisfied with their management


It’s no secret that boards are expecting more from their management companies these days. One of the key areas where they’re looking for improvement is responsiveness.

The majority of boards are not satisfied with their management companies and switched companies when they found that they didn’t proactively respond, or were not accurately completing projects.

Boards want their calls and emails answered promptly, and they want their requests for information fulfilled quickly and completely. Keeping them up-to-date on important issues. The right community management software should help you do just that. 


With online portals being one of the top 3 most valuable tools among board-surveyed respondents, it’s important for your HOA to prioritize software to help manage and stay organized with your portal. 

An online portal is a great way for board members to stay informed about what’s going on with the association. It should be easy to find and use, and it should contain important information like financial reports and contact information for board members and association staff.

Tell me more.

Wondering where you can get software like this? You need SmartBooks! We built our accounting software specifically for HOAs and their distinct needs. Our software will help you manage your books with ease and also easily integrate with our management software to create one single platform to manage your communities. If you’re looking for superior HOA accounting software, schedule a demo with our team today and see the power of SmartBooks.

Best Practices for Submitting HOA Work Orders

The homeowner association (HOA) work order process is critical to keeping a well-maintained community. Submitting accurate, detailed work orders can help preserve the “curb appeal” and value of your community association. Below we have laid out the best practices to follow when submitting work orders to a vendor, so keep reading!

What is Considered a Work Order?

A work order is a request for a service or repair of any community equipment (i.e., pool, volleyball courts, playgrounds, etc.). Work orders can help track, manage and pay for vendor services. They are used by homeowners, property managers, and community managers.

Understanding the difference between a work order and a community improvement is also important to note as these are separate items and should be handled as so. Again, a work order is submitted when something existing needs to be fixed or repaired. A community improvement would be a nice item for the community to have or add to its current amenities. An example of a community improvement would be to add lighting to tennis courts to so it can be used at nighttime. This is not a work order to fix lighting that is already existing, but instead to add lighting that isn’t already there. 

Is There HOA Software That Can Help Manage Work Orders?

Yes! There are many options for HOAs to submit work orders for their community associations. Our software SmartWorkers helps you automate your work order process and help keep everyone informed along the way. Homeowners submit requests online and receive an automated email notifying them that it’s being processed. Staff will review the submission and assign a vendor who will be notified via email, text, or voice message. Then you can easily track work orders with our unique link, so you always know the status.

Our mobile app gives you on-the-go access to view all HOA work orders quicker! Virtual community maps with GPS navigation can route vendors to the item’s exact location. Vendors have immediate access to all information to get started and capture real-time updates with photos that notify everyone of progress.

Best Practices for Submitting HOA Work Orders

When you submit a work order, it’s important to follow these best practices to ensure your request is processed as quickly and efficiently as possible:

Make Sure It’s Detailed

Include as much detail as possible about the nature of the request, how long it has been an issue, how frequently (or infrequently) it occurs, and any other relevant details that may help the vendor understand the problem.

Include Photos

Include photos of the problem area(s). Images are helpful because they provide visual proof of what needs to be addressed and can also help with identification purposes if there are multiple people submitting similar requests for different reasons. Regarding specifically related issues such as interior damage caused by leaks or exterior damage caused by storm damage/wind storms/etc., including photos may also help determine whether additional repairs might be needed.

Include Your Contact Info

Even if you submit a very informative and thorough request, a vendor could still have questions regarding the issue. That’s why it will be important to include the best way to contact you for any questions regarding the work order. 


HOA work orders help your community stay ahead of issues and make sure things are fixed promptly. It will be essential to keep track of any work orders, so your community thrives. Having software in place helps you do it! The process can be automated, so you no longer have to use pen and paper to ensure your issues are resolved. 

Our team would love to show you the power of SmartWorkorders. We will walk you through a detailed demo showing how your community can use our software to solve some of your work order pain points. Contact us today to schedule a demo!


5 Tips For Handling HOA Architectural Requests


HOAs are responsible for maintaining the safety and aesthetics of their neighborhoods. Having a consistent way to deal with your architectural requests will help your community association. You might need residents to get approval before painting their front door a different color or building an addition to their house. We know it can be challenging to keep track of all the architectural requests in your community, so here are some tips for handling your HOA architectural requests! 

Educate Your homeowners On Your Policies

It’s essential to make sure your homeowners are aware of your policies. Ensure that they are fully informed about the rules, expectations of any fees, as well as how to submit requests for their property.

Outline your policies in an easy-to-read document, so it’s not confusing for homeowners. You can minimize the number of rejected requests by simply creating a clear policy document!

Make Sure HOA Architectural Requests Are Uniform

The first thing to consider when managing HOA architectural requests is whether or not they are uniform. Ensure that all architectural requests are submitted in one format, so you can be sure that any request is handled consistently. If the format of your architectural requests is inconsistent, there will be confusion among board members when reviewing them. You also want to make sure that all architectural request forms are clear and easy to read, so no one misses an important detail while reading them.

Make Sure You’re Timely in Your Response

If you have a board member dealing with the request, be sure that they are responsive to residents’ questions and concerns. The quicker you can respond, the better.

It’s also important to let residents know when your board will be reviewing their request and if there will be any delays in making a decision. If it helps, you can set up regular meetings with your Architectural Committee or Board of Directors. This would allow them to make decisions on all requests at once instead of having several people come forward with individual requests that need separate considerations from other projects being considered by the Architectural Committee or Board of Directors. 

Timeliness is critical for handling HOA architectural requests. If you don’t respond to residents about the status of their request within two weeks, they may assume that it’s been rejected, which can lead to frustration and low perception of your responsiveness.

Be Consistent in Approvals and Rejections

It’s important to be consistent in your approach to architectural requests and in the way you communicate decisions. This is especially true for the more common requests, such as changing front door colors, adding shutters or columns, installing a new mailbox post, or adding fencing. If you reject one request because there are too many similar ones already on the street, then it’s important that you also reject subsequent requests for those reasons.

If a homeowner submits an application for approval of plans for an addition or modification and it fails on some technicality (such as not being complete), don’t automatically grant approval just because other homeowners were able to get theirs approved without any problems. You need to maintain consistency so homeowners understand how they can get what they want while staying within HOA guidelines.

Use HOA Software to Help Manage Requests

You can use software to help manage the approval process. HOA Software enables you to track requests, save time and make your life easier!

  • It helps you manage the approval process by tracking all requests uniformly so that everyone knows what’s going on.
  • It also helps with consistency: when using software for approvals, it’s easy to have consistent standards across all projects and homeowners because everything is managed from one central location.
  • Board members will be able to directly vote on architectural requests online from anywhere at any time, making the approval process quicker.
  • Residents will be able to submit architectural requests online from a centralized location and track the progress of their requests from their resident portal.

Are you interested in architectural software? Check out more information about SmartArchitecturals


These tips should help you handle HOA architectural requests more efficiently. We know running an HOA is stressful, but Smartwebs is here to make it easier! With our software, you’ll be able to track, manage, and approve architectural requests from your residents. Schedule a demo with our team. 


What HOA Management Issues Does Software Solve?

HOA management software is a great way to manage the day to day of community association management. It helps you automate many of your tasks and keeps all your information in one place. This software also helps improve resident satisfaction, efficiency, and cost savings.


Accounting can be a daunting task but with HOA software, it is much easier to manage. With software like Smartbooks you’ll be able to:

  • Centralize all of your community documents
  • Easily integrate with your banks
  • Manage all of your accounts in one place

SmartBooks is a cloud-based, bank-integrated accounting software to manage all of your HOA accounts, documents, payments and so much more under one login. Our smart, yet the simple interface is easy to use, which makes managing your community faster than ever before.

Resident Communication

Communication can help create a sense of community and involvement, which are essential to creating a positive environment for residents to live in.

Clear communication is also vital when managing an HOA. To make sure everyone is on board with your plans and that they understand the reasoning behind them, it’s essential to communicate well with your residents from day one. If you focus on good communication from the start, this will continue for the rest of your tenure as an HOA manager—and beyond!

With SmartCommunications, we help you do just that. You can easily text or email your residents with just a couple of clicks. With SmartPortal residents can contact you directly through the software so you can keep better track of your communication with them. 

Amenities Maintenance

Amenities maintenance is one of the larger responsibilities for HOAs and something that can be difficult to manage without a dedicated system in place.

Work order software has several advantages over manual methods of tracking and scheduling maintenance requests:

  • It can track which members have made requests for repairs or improvements on their properties. This means that you won’t have multiple people calling about the same issue or trying to schedule work at the same time—you’ll know exactly who needs what, when they need it and how much time they need before you can get someone out there.
  • The process becomes streamlined because all requests are logged electronically instead of being left on pieces of paper around town where they may get lost or misplaced.

Violation Creation and Tracking 

HOA violation software is a helpful tool for HOAs. It helps you stay organized and keep track of violations in your community. If you want to manage your HOA more effectively, violation software will help you do that!

You can use HOA violation software to:

  • Track violations as they happen. With our mobile app, you will be able to drive the community and easily manage and track violations. You don’t even need cell service! Our offline app will download your community map before you even start your drive and our GPS system will follow you as you’re making your rounds.
  • Automatically send out violation letters. With our Zero-Touch Mailing service, you will be able to send out letters directly to homeowners without printing and stuffing envelopes yourself. Once you’ve completed your community drive and get back to the office you’ll simply process the violations and the system will do the rest!

There are so many issues that can arise when managing an HOA community but having the right systems in place will be a huge asset to you. We recommend outlining your wants and needs for a software provider and then demoing multiple solutions until you find the right fit for your community. We think the clear choice is Smartwebs but ultimately you have to choose the right solution for you. If you’d like to demo our HOA management software, contact our team!


4 Traits of a Good HOA Manager

Managing a homeowners association is no joke! As an HOA manager, you need to be able to do everything from scheduling meetings and managing finances to overseeing maintenance and keeping the place safe. A good HOA manager needs many skills—but the good news is that you can learn them all! Here are four of the most important traits of a good HOA manager.

HOA Manager Job Description

What services does the HOA management company offer? The duties of an HOA manager or management company include managing the community’s overall operations and day-to-day activities.

A group of managers known as the board of directors is in charge of overseeing homeowners organizations. However, board members frequently lack the time and expertise needed to carry out management duties. For support, many associations employ an HOA management company or manager.

Remember that not all businesses provide the same services. The agreed-upon services outlined in the management contract will determine the precise duties held by the HOA manager. However, common duties for an HOA property management company do exist, including but not restricted to the following:

  • Understand the CC&Rs or governing papers of the HOA
  • Make sure the HOA conforms with all applicable federal, state, and local
  • Assist with budget preparation
  • Ensuring that the HOA keeps within its budget
  • Dues and assessments
  • Monitor invoices, receivables, payables, and delinquencies
  • Obtain the appropriate insurance coverage
  • Report managerial and financial reports to the board on a monthly basis.
  • Plan and attend board meetings
  • Document and keep records of meeting minutes
  • Violation Inspections
  • Enforce rules and regulations on a consistent basis
  • Provide recommendations to update policies as needed
  • Address homeowner concerns and questions
  • Update members through communication channels
  • Send resident notices
  • Maintain and properly insure common areas
  • Govern projects
  • Resolve community disputes or discrepancies
  • Promote board elections
  • Tax Preparation
  • Provide the board advice on various issues and decisions
  • Work alongside experts like lawyers, accountants, reserve specialists, etc.

Hiring an HOA Manager

Are HOA management companies and HOA managers the same thing? HOA management companies are firms that offer management services for homeowners associations, albeit they do share the same duties. HOA managers, on the other hand, are the ones that associations really work with.

An HOA manager will normally be assigned to your neighborhood if you select an HOA management company. You can’t collaborate with a faceless corporation, after all. Having several point people for various management duties is also impracticable. The operations of the community will be managed by an HOA manager, who will also assist the board and serve as a liaison between you and the management firm.

Traits of a good HOA manager

How can you tell whether your HOA manager is skillful? One technique is to see whether they attempt to go above and beyond the responsibilities of the HOA property manager. This demonstrates their genuine concern for your community and that they go above and above the call of duty. These are additional crucial characteristics of an HOA manager.

#1. They Can Manage Financials

A good HOA manager will ensure the financials are managed correctly. Handling revenue, expenses, and budgeting is a key part of the job, and it needs to be done well in order for the HOA to function optimally. A good manager will be on top of all financial activities:

  • Determining monthly fees from members
  • Tracking payments from members
  • Creating budgets based on estimated expenses for each year
  • Keeping an eye out for unexpected costs that may arise throughout the year (e.g., if there’s a calamity that causes damage to common areas)

HOA software tools are available to help manage these tasks. For example, Smartwebs HOA Accounting Software offers a complete package with many useful features including:

  • Reporting capabilities
  • Centralize all of your community documents
  • Easily integrate with your banks
  • Manage all of your accounts in one place
  • Residents can see real-time balances

#2. They Communicate Effectively

While effective communication is a vital part of every relationship, it’s especially important for an HOA manager to be able to communicate effectively. This includes communicating with homeowners and board members as well as vendors and contractors. After all, if your HOA manager can’t communicate well, how will they be able to make sure projects get done on time and on a budget?

When it comes to good communication skills, it’s always better to over-communicate than under-communicate. It’s also important to have the right tools in place for your HOA manager to easily communicate with homeowners. Smartwebs HOA Communication Software helps managers do just that! They can easily email or text residents individually or even send out mass communications to the entire community. 

#3. They Stay Up-to-Date

It’s important for HOA managers to stay up-to-date with changes in the law and industry, so they can provide accurate information to their boards. Regularly attending local seminars and state or national conferences is a great way to acquire continuing education credits. These events also give you the opportunity to meet other people who share your interests and chat with vendors and suppliers who might have new products or resources you need.

Trade publications are an excellent source of news and articles from experts in the field, so make sure you’re subscribed to at least a few of these magazines. The most popular trade magazine for homeowners association professionals is Community Associations Institute (CAI), which has over 45 years’ worth of content addressing topics including but not limited to board management, managing multiple HOAs as a consultant/manager, budgeting/finances, and even using social media effectively when working with your communities.

Lastly, it’s important that HOA managers have a good understanding of the community’s governing documents or covenants—including bylaws, CC&Rs, policies & procedures—and how they relate to state laws regarding homeowner associations. Thorough knowledge of these governing documents will help ensure that the manager abides by them when making decisions on behalf of their HOA boards. You should also know where residents can find copies of these documents if they’re unfamiliar with them; many HOAs post their governing documents on their website for members’ use.

#4. They Know the Rules

The rules in a homeowners association are only as good as their enforcement. If the HOA manager is unable to apply them fairly, they’re not worth the paper they’re written on. The board will establish rules with the best of intentions and they must be enforced consistently in order to keep conflict at bay and to protect the integrity of your neighborhood.

It can be difficult for an HOA manager to keep up with all the rules and regulations (particularly among larger communities where it’s easy for different HOAs to have slightly different bylaws) but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find that it becomes second nature. Managing violations can be a daunting task but with Smartwebs HOA Violation Software, it doesn’t have to be! With our HOA software, you can easily track, submit, and report on community violations with just a few clicks. 

You’ve Got This.

HOA management can be a busy job but one that is also rewarding! Having the right HOA software will be key to being a good manager as it will help you do your job more efficiently. Schedule a demo with our team today to see how Smartwebs can help you. 

What is HOA Accounting Software?

Introduction to HOA Accounting Software

As communities continue to grow, so does the need for organized financial management. Homeowners associations (HOAs) play a crucial role in managing community finances, and this requires a reliable accounting system. However, managing finances for an HOA can be time-consuming and complicated, particularly when done manually. This is where software built for HOAs comes in, making financial management efficient and less stressful. In this blog post, we will discuss accounting software solutions, their benefits, key features, and how to choose the right software solution for your HOA.

What is HOA Accounting Software?

HOA accounting software is a specialized accounting program designed to help homeowners associations manage their finances effectively. The software helps automate various financial processes, such as budgeting, accounts payable and receivable, bank reconciliations, and financial reporting.

HOA accounting software is specially designed for the specific needs of HOAs, making it different from general accounting software. It takes into account the unique requirements of HOAs, such as managing common area expenses, tracking homeowners’ assessments, and creating invoices and receipts.

Benefits of HOA Accounting Software

There are numerous benefits to using HOA accounting software. Here are a few:

  1. Saves time: Using HOA software automates most of the financial processes, saving time that would otherwise be spent on manual tasks.

  2. Improves accuracy: Manually managing finances for an HOA can result in errors. Software built for HOAs helps reduce errors by automating calculations and generating accurate reports.

  3. Enhances transparency: Utilizing software ensures transparency by providing homeowners with access to financial reports and statements.

  4. Increases efficiency: With all financial information in one place, it’s easy to manage finances and generate reports, making financial management more efficient.

  5. Simplifies tax preparation: The use of software for accounting simplifies tax preparation by generating accurate and comprehensive tax reports.

Key Features of HOA Accounting Software

HOA accounting software has several features that make it efficient and effective in managing finances. Here are some of the key features:

  1. Budgeting: accounting software made for HOAs makes creating and managing budgets easy, ensuring that HOAs don’t overspend.

  2. Accounts payable and receivable: HOA Software automates the invoicing and payment processes, making it easy to track money coming in and going out.

  3. Bank reconciliation: Accounting software reconciles bank statements with accounting records, ensuring that all transactions are accounted for.

  4. Financial reporting: accounting software generates financial reports, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.

  5. Assessment tracking: accounting software for HOAa tracks homeowners’ assessments, including late fees and penalties.

  6. Common area expenses tracking: Community association software tracks common area expenses, ensuring that they are allocated correctly.

  7. Work order tracking: HOA software tracks work orders, making it easy to manage maintenance and repair tasks.

Choosing the Right HOA Accounting Software

Choosing the right software for your HOA is critical to effective financial management. Here are some factors to consider when selecting software:

  1. Budget: HOA software can range from affordable to expensive. Consider your budget when selecting software.

  2. Ease of use: Choose software that’s easy to use, with an intuitive interface and a user-friendly design.

  3. Customer support: Choose software that offers reliable customer support, including training and technical support.

  4. Features: Consider the features offered by the software, and ensure they meet the specific needs of your HOA.

  5. Integration: Consider software that integrates with other software programs used by your HOA.

  6. Security: Choose software that provides robust security features to protect your financial data.

  7. Scalability: Choose software that can grow with your HOA and adapt to changing needs.


HOA accounting software is an essential tool for managing finances for homeowners associations. It helps automate financial processes, saves time, improves accuracy, enhances transparency, increases efficiency, and simplifies tax preparation. The key features of HOA software include budgeting, accounts payable and receivable, bank reconciliation, financial reporting, assessment tracking, common area expenses tracking, and work order tracking. When choosing an accounting software, consider factors such as budget, ease of use, customer support, features, integration, security, and scalability.

In summary, using HOA accounting software is a smart investment for any homeowners association looking to streamline financial management processes. By implementing this software, HOAs can save time and money, improve accuracy, enhance transparency, and improve financial reporting. With the right software in place, HOAs can focus on other critical tasks, such as community engagement and property management.

Tell me more.

Wondering where you can get software like this? You need SmartBooks! We built our accounting software specifically for HOAs and their distinct needs. Our software will help you manage your books with ease and also easily integrate with our management software to create one single platform to manage your communities. If you’re looking for superior HOA accounting software, schedule a demo with our team today and see the power of Smartwebs Accounting.

How to Attract Top Talent for Your HOA Community

Ask Yourself What Makes Your HOA Community Unique

How do you attract top talent to your HOA? Your community’s mission statement, vision, and culture are some of the most important factors determining whether it attracts top talent or repels prospective residents. To get a step ahead of the game, it’s important to consider what makes your community unique. Is it in a desirable location? Is it in a city that’s known for its art scene? A university town? If you’re putting together an ad for potential candidates, ask the following questions to make sure you’re appealing to who you want to be:

  • What is your community’s mission statement and vision?
  • What is the reputation of your community and how has it been established in your market?
  • What are the values that define your community (e.g., caring about family members, environmentalism, etc.)?
  • What is the culture of your community (e.g., we’re a low-key place where people take care of their neighbors)?
  • Who are the current residents and what draws them to live there?

Offer Competitive Benefits to HOA Employees

It can be hard to stand out as an employer and entice qualified candidates in a competitive hiring market. Fortunately, you have a secret weapon: benefits. By offering certain kinds of benefits, you can make your HOA community an attractive place for potential employees to work.

Benefits are something that employees and job seekers value highly in their careers, so offering good benefits is a great way to attract top candidates. As you’re building your list of benefits for HOA employees, include both tangible and intangible options so that there’s something for everyone.

Tangible perks might include paid time off (PTO), paid sick leave, free parking or other transportation reimbursement options, help with continuing education and training expenses, or discounts at local businesses that your employees frequent. Intangible perks might include flexible scheduling options, unlimited vacation days, or a casual dress code. Offering these kinds of benefits may also help you attract younger talent—millennials are especially attracted to workplaces with a flexible culture.

Create Clear Job Descriptions

To attract top talent to your HOA community, you must make sure to have a clear job description posted. Your job description should provide a list of responsibilities and what you expect out of an employee.

Here are some elements to include:

  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Full description of the job
  • Requirements and qualifications needed

Make The Interview Process Smooth, Efficient, and Enjoyable

Now that you have a pipeline of candidates to interview, it’s important to make your interview process as smooth and efficient as possible. Nobody likes interviewing for a job. But with the right approach, your company can make the interview process enjoyable for everyone involved.

Before an interview is scheduled, be sure you’re clear about what the next steps will look like and when they’ll happen—for example if you’ll be doing onsite interviews or phone screens before making a final hiring decision, let candidates know that in advance so they don’t get their hopes up unnecessarily (or worse yet, cancel another potentially better opportunity).

Then, once that candidate has an offer in hand, follow up with them as soon as possible—especially if they’re also interviewing at other places. You want to make sure they have all the information they need to decide while it’s still fresh in their minds.

After an offer is accepted:

  • Be very clear and upfront about when the new person will start working at your company. If there’s a delay in starting due to visa issues or some other external factor (like Covid-19), keep them informed of any changes to this timeline so there aren’t any surprises along the way. If possible send them regular updates on what’s happening until their first day does arrive; this will help build trust between both parties before work even begins!

Consider Working With an Employment Recruiter

  • Consider working with an employment recruiter. An experienced recruiter can help you connect with the best candidates for your HOA’s open positions. They will act as a liaison between you and the highly qualified people who may not be actively looking for a job but would jump at the chance to work for your community association. The recruiter will save you time, as they are able to source potential employees quickly, and money, as they are able to define exactly what qualities in a candidate make them right for your HOA community.

Ready For Your Next Great Employee

Attracting excellent talent to your HOA community can seem challenging, but if you know how to market effectively and build the right team of people, the results are worth it.

To attract top talent to your HOA community, you need to build a strong team. This is not an easy or quick feat, and it will take time and resources, but it’s an important step in building the foundation of your company.

To build this team, you will need to network! Your team should be made up of people who have different skills and experience. Networking helps you find talent that isn’t limited to what’s available on the market right now.

We hope you find your next great employee and that these tips help you do just that. Once you’ve hired the right person, make sure they have the right tools! Smartwebs helps HOA community managers do their job with ease. Schedule a demo with our team today to see what Smartwebs can do for you.